Products of Slavery This interactive map shows what products may have been made by child slaves and other forced labor, according to country. This why we need to buy verified ethically made products.
Call and Response A movie and a movement that provides good ways everyone can help end slavery.
Free the Slaves An organization that works to free slaves and bring awareness
Polaris Project An organization fighting against human trafficking with advocacy, education, empowerment of people to fight slavery, and more. They have a comprehensive guide on the subject I'd recommend for those serious about coming against human trafficking.
MTV Exit : MTV's campaign against human trafficking
International Justice Mission An amazing organization helping countries enforce their own laws on slavery through undercover investigations, legal assistance, aftercare placement, and more
Responsible Shopping Guide Your guide to promoting a responsible economy. Want to know what companies aren't following fair labor practices? This site by Green America has great info and resources, including company profiles.
Make Slavery History guide
I’ve compiled information about slavery with ways to get involved and resources to help you in whatever you’d like to get involved. I think it’s pretty easy to read, interesting, and very helpful. Feel free to use this and pass it on!
(** Note, I will be updating these guide with new shops and organizatins I've found)
More to come!!